
Showing posts from October, 2014

I am stupid.

I know I have talked a lot about my job lately and honestly, other than having Quil living with me now, its about the only thing that has been going on in my life. *blushes* Literally. I don't date and I don't have any desire to have a "boyfriend" with how my life is. I'm happy being a wolf and hanging out with friends and going out single. Its not like I'm some hermit but honestly, my sex life has been a little.... how should I say? Non-existent? Yeah. Definitely nonexistent until I lost all sanity and my resumed "virginity" last night. Ladies and gentlemen, the 13 1/2 month dry spell of Willow Black came to a screeching halt last night at the complete and total loss of dignity and thought brought to you by Absolut vodka and some ice blue eyes. Dammit... My boss is hot. I'm not ashamed to say that, and I think I said it before. Not only is he hot, but he is a smooth talker and easy to hang out with. He's smart and capable and I don't t