I am stupid.

I know I have talked a lot about my job lately and honestly, other than having Quil living with me now, its about the only thing that has been going on in my life. *blushes* Literally. I don't date and I don't have any desire to have a "boyfriend" with how my life is. I'm happy being a wolf and hanging out with friends and going out single. Its not like I'm some hermit but honestly, my sex life has been a little.... how should I say? Non-existent? Yeah. Definitely nonexistent until I lost all sanity and my resumed "virginity" last night. Ladies and gentlemen, the 13 1/2 month dry spell of Willow Black came to a screeching halt last night at the complete and total loss of dignity and thought brought to you by Absolut vodka and some ice blue eyes. Dammit...

My boss is hot. I'm not ashamed to say that, and I think I said it before. Not only is he hot, but he is a smooth talker and easy to hang out with. He's smart and capable and I don't trust him any further than I can throw him. I'm stupid but not THAT stupid. I've known his type before and he's fun to hang with but I'm not attracted to him in any way than as a hot boss.

I flew to Portland for a long weekend of story-boarding to work on our next big video game project. I'm the character profiler. They tell me the idea and the tech guys and I make the characters come to life. Steve is my favorite. He's your typical super video game nerd. I don't know if he buys shirts with Cheetos stains or if he always has them on hand but he's good at his job and very sweet. Nate gives the orders and the green light to everything. We spent all day yesterday around a table so when it was time for dinner, I was more than happy to go back to my hotel, slip into the big t-shirt I sleep in and order Chinese for the night. I hadn't taken my work dress off yet when there was a knock at the hotel door. It was Nate.

He was the last person I expected to see at my door and the way he was staring at me made me blush and feel uncomfortable at the same time. He doesn't try to hide when he knows what he likes. It told you he is a power player and that I don't trust him so when he finally looked up from my boobs to my eyes with a smirk, I figured I was going to lose this battle from the get go. I said I would meet him in the hotel lobby for dinner and a drink with the knowledge that I could have an out and go to bed when I was tired and needed an escape.

We had appetizers and several martinis. We laughed and made jabs at each other and when he started getting flintier than he had in the past and whispering things in my ear about remembering what I looked like in a bikini at the pool part a few months ago, I couldn't help but be flattered. The guy remembers that I have a mole on my boob! Who knows that?! Its not that guys don't flirt with me or anything. They do. Blame the vodka because as much as I knew better, and knew that he was just trying to get back upstairs with me, I let him. It had been over a year since I slept with anyone and I made sure he knew that this wasn't anything other than sex. Well, sex and him getting in some sexy pictures of me before hand but that's an entirely different story. *blushes deep* We had fun, got a little crazy, and he left to go back to his hotel. No strings attached.

Today is another story-boarding day and planning for the convention in Chicago that is coming up. We walked in and he was business as usual, which I really appreciate. On our first break, he assured me that he understands that it was just a fun night and that I don't have anything to worry about. I mentioned the pictures he took and he said they were just for him and that he had already deleted them this morning after he got a second and third look. I don't know what he expects out of this trip but I feel like he planned last night for a reason and that he thinks we'll be having some repeat in Chicago or before.  I can't be the girl who sleeps with her boss!!! And I would be lying if I didn't say it didn't feel amazing to get a little crazy and do stupid things for awhile. Please don't let me get fired for saying no next time. And then again, please make me say no next time. ......


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