
Showing posts from October, 2011

This is Halloween

Its Halloween, which means weird and inexplicable things are BOUND to happen, right? I mean, ghosts and goblins and purple Jello shots will do that to people. Not to mention really sexy pirate costumes when your boyfriend has this scruffy pirate beard thing going on. And then you and your roommate find these super cute Ninja Turtle costumes that match! Oh, and then your boyfriends brother, he's going to bar tending school and needs to try out his skills. And fog. Don't forget the fog. ::headdesk:: So, that's the setup. Thursday night was the Halloween party that Quil and Embry had been planning for a few weeks. Seth, Collin and Brady were there with their band and so excited to be able to play. The decorations were up and the band was playing and there was fog. Lots and lots of fog - so thick that you had to swat it from your face and choked if you breathed too deeply, but it was really pretty perfect because Halloween is like that. Things are supposed to by mysterious an

Skype Time

*Blows the dust off the long forgotten blog.* As promised, I'm going to write here. I'll be honest, a lot has happened since I last wrote and I'm not even going to attempt to catch everyone up. I'll just give you the here and now's of it all and go from there. I can honestly say, my life is at some immeasurable high point right now. Its good. No, its GREAT. I'm happy with my classes at school. I'm happy living with Leah in Forks. I'm happy with managing The Buzz. I'm with Quil, which seems so impossible and so perfect at the same time. It can't get any better, can it? And then I Skyped with my sister and BAM ... it got better. I'm going to be an aunt! *dies* Yeah, my sister (who lives in Germany with her iffy-at-best fiance) is preggo. According to her, she is about four months or something along which means that next spring, I'm going to have a new little bundle of baby to snuggle. Via Skype. Which kind of sucks, but I don't real