This is Halloween

Its Halloween, which means weird and inexplicable things are BOUND to happen, right? I mean, ghosts and goblins and purple Jello shots will do that to people. Not to mention really sexy pirate costumes when your boyfriend has this scruffy pirate beard thing going on. And then you and your roommate find these super cute Ninja Turtle costumes that match! Oh, and then your boyfriends brother, he's going to bar tending school and needs to try out his skills. And fog. Don't forget the fog. ::headdesk::

So, that's the setup. Thursday night was the Halloween party that Quil and Embry had been planning for a few weeks. Seth, Collin and Brady were there with their band and so excited to be able to play. The decorations were up and the band was playing and there was fog. Lots and lots of fog - so thick that you had to swat it from your face and choked if you breathed too deeply, but it was really pretty perfect because Halloween is like that. Things are supposed to by mysterious and cloudy. We were on a roll with this one.

Embry had this bar set up near the kitchen where he had made a bunch of different kinds of shots and drinks. I think he's got this bar man thing down, because those purple Jello shots were GREAT! Trust me, I had enough to know. He called them Purple Death or something that, in hindsight, seems exactly right. I had a few (OK, more like 7 or so. o.o), the band started and there was Captain Jack looking all pirate sexy in his costume.  Quil never really has scruff and we don't drink like this very often (except in Mexico, but that's a different story. ;-) ) and I was getting pretty drunk and I just remember watching him and wanting to get him alone. Like NOW!

I aimed for the kitchen to get just one more Jello shot and on my way back, through the fog, I saw "him" coming my way. I was right by the front coat closet, so I opened the door and pulled him in with me. Except it wasn't Quil. It was Embry, and it was dark, and I had about five too many Jello shots in me, and I didn't wait. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him in to kiss him, making sure he knew that he wasn't getting out of the closet any too soon. He pulled away for a second but not to leave because his mouth was right back on mine and we were stumbling back deeper into the closet. Nothing registered except how badly I wanted him right then.

I could feel his heart pounding and his hands on me. I smirked, knowing that the closet door could open at any second by not caring about anything except having him right then. Quil and I have an instant touch thing going where once we know what we want, it needs to happen and I was there. I flipped open his pants, pulling him closer while his hand closed over my breast, just hard enough t know that he was ready. And then it happened. In the middle of thinking of all the things I was going to do to him right then... he called me Leah.

Come again and what the f*ck? I pulled away and ... Oh my God, it was Embry and he was pressed against me and his hand was on my skin and. o.o  Yeah, I'm not Leah and you are not Quil and someone just come and kill me now, because not only am I about to die because I REALLY wanted Quil, but I just made out with HIS FREAKING BROTHER!!!  And it was totally on accident and I kind of wanted to die but couldn't do anything but blush bright red in the dark and remind Embry that he might want to remove his hand from my boob, which he did... very, very slowly like it might bite his hand off. My mind was racing and my body was humming and I had to get out of that closet.

I left, glancing back at Embry the viking and noticed the giant bulge in his pants and the nervous look in his face. Exhale, shut the door and go, that was all I could do. He stayed in the closet to take care of his problem, whatever that was going to mean. *dies* and I had to go somewhere to be alone. I got a drink from the kitchen and somehow made it to my dad's house to crash on the couch that night. I haven't seen either of them since the party. It needs to happen soon though, but I'm really nervous about it.

Embry and I swore we would just keep this between us. It was an accident and I never would have intentionally made out with anyone but Quil, but I did and HOW am I supposed to tell him this? He's going to be furious! And I feel terrible that I did it even if I was hammered drinking. (I was completely hammered....) I can't keep things from him, so I know the truth will come out eventually, but I don't know how and I'm scared.


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