Skype Time

*Blows the dust off the long forgotten blog.* As promised, I'm going to write here. I'll be honest, a lot has happened since I last wrote and I'm not even going to attempt to catch everyone up. I'll just give you the here and now's of it all and go from there.

I can honestly say, my life is at some immeasurable high point right now. Its good. No, its GREAT. I'm happy with my classes at school. I'm happy living with Leah in Forks. I'm happy with managing The Buzz. I'm with Quil, which seems so impossible and so perfect at the same time. It can't get any better, can it? And then I Skyped with my sister and BAM ... it got better.

I'm going to be an aunt! *dies* Yeah, my sister (who lives in Germany with her iffy-at-best fiance) is preggo. According to her, she is about four months or something along which means that next spring, I'm going to have a new little bundle of baby to snuggle. Via Skype. Which kind of sucks, but I don't really have a choice. Maybe I should start saving some money to go visit when the baby is born. I've never been to Europe and this might be my only or at least best chance for some time.  We'll see, but for now, I plan on checking out that adorable bump that Layla is sporting as often as I can and I want the computer speakers near so the little bean will know it's Aunt Will's voice when it pops out.

So, lets see. What else? ...
OH! Embry and Quil are having a Halloween party this Thursday night. I'm going to go over in the afternoon and make some food and decorate and stuff. I've got to remember to get my costume together. I went shopping with Quil a few weeks ago, but those are kind of {torn} worn already. *blushes* So, the new costume is a secret and the party is bound to be amazing. I'll tell you more after its over. In the mean time, Trick-or-Treat with flashlights and all that safe stuff. Or just do it in the dark. Its more fun that way.



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