
Showing posts from February, 2015

I know crazy when I see it

Lets get one thing straight right now. I don't trust Kendra Whateverherlastnameis at all. I know she is Quil's friend and he thinks she is fun or something, and I'm sure something about her is fun or he wouldn't want to be around her. He has been so blah since everything went down with Hayley and maybe she is helping through his funk, I don't know. But, so help me if she gives me that fake ass smile and that creepy stare one more time. *growls* Don't get me wrong, she is as nice as nice can be and just as fake. How do I know? I just know! You all know that Quil and I have some pretty big history and we're best friends. He knows almost everything there is to know about me and its the same with me about him. We click. We work and we are completely comfortable with each other. I don't remember the last time I have been as happy as I am since he moved in with me for awhile. I have always known its temporary but I love having him there. I like being able to

If it comes back to you, it was always yours.

Ive been thinking over how to properly explain how amazing my  Christmas was. It only took me 6 weeks but I think I finally figured it out. I'm not sure you'll understand but I'm going to give it a shot anyway so bear with me. First, I decided to stand up to the crap that is going to Seattle one day, then home, then back to Seattle to fly out to Portland. What's that saying? ... Just say no? Yes! I said no to my parents and stayed home. In MY home with my own Christmas tree in my own house with my best friend and I loved every second of it. Its been a crazy few months with all of the boss drama at work and managing the money I got in my pretend law suit, but I knew two things I wanted to do from the get go.  First and foremost, I didn't want anyone knowing I had money. Only Quil Old Quil, and me. I still don't. The money is all put away now or invested in buying the Buzz, but its hidden and that's the way I want it. Now, back to my secret mission. I want