I know crazy when I see it

Lets get one thing straight right now. I don't trust Kendra Whateverherlastnameis at all. I know she is Quil's friend and he thinks she is fun or something, and I'm sure something about her is fun or he wouldn't want to be around her. He has been so blah since everything went down with Hayley and maybe she is helping through his funk, I don't know. But, so help me if she gives me that fake ass smile and that creepy stare one more time. *growls* Don't get me wrong, she is as nice as nice can be and just as fake. How do I know? I just know!

You all know that Quil and I have some pretty big history and we're best friends. He knows almost everything there is to know about me and its the same with me about him. We click. We work and we are completely comfortable with each other. I don't remember the last time I have been as happy as I am since he moved in with me for awhile. I have always known its temporary but I love having him there. I like being able to watch tv with him at night and leave for patrol with him in the morning. I like being there when he has had a bad day and trying to be the person that makes him feel better. I wish I could do a better job at it. Sure its not always easy to be around him when he's going on and on about girl problems and I remember how we used to be, but I'm always trying to be a better friend to him.  Kendra is no exception.

If she is making him happy, great. I want him to be happy. The thing is, when she starts telling me what is best for him and pressing up on him while she smirks and looks at me with her beady eyes, I want to rip her stringy red hair out! Who the hell does she think she is and what part of "I don't want a girlfriend" is hard to understand!?  Oh hey, I know!! Book a hotel over the most romantic holiday of the year and I don't even want to think about what all the wine they drank did. She wants him, that's obvious and I can't say I blame her for that but what I can't deal with is thinking that she is influencing him to move an hour away and keeping him from being around me because she thinks I'm some kind of threat.  Girlfriend or not... and she is definitely the girlfriend... I'm the friend and that has to count for something too, doesn't it?

I don't have any intention of letting her push me out of my best friends life but how do I walk that line between the best friend and the "jealous ex".  *Blushes* I don't know how to handle this but I won't let manipulate me.


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