If it comes back to you, it was always yours.

Ive been thinking over how to properly explain how amazing my  Christmas was. It only took me 6 weeks but I think I finally figured it out. I'm not sure you'll understand but I'm going to give it a shot anyway so bear with me.

First, I decided to stand up to the crap that is going to Seattle one day, then home, then back to Seattle to fly out to Portland. What's that saying? ... Just say no? Yes! I said no to my parents and stayed home. In MY home with my own Christmas tree in my own house with my best friend and I loved every second of it.

Its been a crazy few months with all of the boss drama at work and managing the money I got in my pretend law suit, but I knew two things I wanted to do from the get go.  First and foremost, I didn't want anyone knowing I had money. Only Quil Old Quil, and me. I still don't. The money is all put away now or invested in buying the Buzz, but its hidden and that's the way I want it. Now, back to my secret mission. I wanted to make sure Claire has the chance to go to college. She is so smart and with all this money laying around, I could make that a little bit easier on her and her mom. I talked to Quil 's grandpa about setting up a fund for Claire and Santa sent the letter to her mom on Christmas Eve. I heard it went just like I envisioned. She was surprised and happy and that makes me happy.  The second thing I wanted to do was easier and sneaky and fun.

 I had been trying to think of something to get Quil that would be fun and that he wouldn't expect and honestly, who expects a car for Christmas? The difference is that this year, I could make it happen, so I did. I shopped around and talked to some guys I know in Seattle about street racers and found him something I hoped he would like. I don't know much about cars but this one was pretty hot and I could see him in it, so I wrapped it up with a big red bow on top and parked it in the garage for him to find.

I heard Quil yell from the garage to come out there and when I did, he asked me if I got a new car. I told him I didn't and watched him check out the BMW. He asked where it came from and I told him Santa must have brought it and that he didn't take returns. He was sweet and shy about accepting the car but I am so happy he did. I wanted to give him a great gift and surprise and I think I nailed it!!
But wait, that's only half of it because my gift was even better.

For months I had been searching on and off for the chocolate pearl necklace that was stollen out of my underwear drawer.  Quil gave it to me when we were together to remind me of him - since it was a chocolate pearl. It had always been very special to me and the last piece of what Quil and I had when we were together. It's just a necklace, I know, but it was so much more to me and the reminder of how he felt and how happy I was with him back then... I cried for days and looked everywhere for it. I talked to Charlie about searching Stan to get it back and questioning him when he was arrested and nothing! It was gone and I had finally given up. It turns out that Stan sold it to a pawn shop in Seattle. Quil was out with his grandpa looking for whatever it is that old men shop for at pawn shops and he happened to run across the necklace. MY necklace! I can't believe he found it or that he even bought it.

The last thing I expected to get from Quil on Christmas was in a little box. I mean, seriously... *blushes deep* There he was, standing in my garage with this box and I would be lying if I didn't go completely over the edge right away thinking of the necklace and hoping but never ever figuring it was possible. I had no idea what was inside. It could have been anything! But,when I took the lid off, the floor dropped out and all I could do was stare and smile and try not to cry again. Maybe it was simply having something back that meant so much to me, but getting that necklace back and getting it for Christmas from Quil made it better. I know he doesn't really understand why I was so choked up and how it felt but it was magic and I only take it off if I have to now. I don't think he knows how much it meant... means to me. <3 p="">
See what I mean, Best Christmas EVER!!!


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