
Showing posts from December, 2017

Don't Speak

Once upon a time there was a handsome prince with dark curls and a killer grin. His charm and smile, his sensitivity and the way he looked at the girl melted her heart and stole her soul. She fell in love with the prince and he loved her too. And he left her and her heart broke. The prince and the girl spent days and weeks and years being closer than anyone thought they could ever be after letting go of something that was so right to one and so wrong to the other, and the girl never got her heart or her soul back. And then came the good looking guy who helped her pick up the pieces, made her laugh when she didn't know if she could and helped her build her business. He loved her very much and she thought he was super nice. Such is my life..... I swore after the corn maze at Halloween that I was going to end things with Josh. He loves me and he is sweet to me and I don't ever want to hurt him but what we learned on from the blog before this is that I made out with

Its Better Down There

I'm overdue on posting this, you're shocked, I know. I was going to write a different blog but in order to keep things in order, this one has to happen first. A ton has happened in my life lately and I owe it to everyone to at least try to keep things up to date here. Lets go back to November, back to Cabo and back to one of the best vacations I've ever taken - like the last time Quil and I went to Cabo a couple of years ago.  We have this annual birthday vacation thing going that is always the most fun I have all year. This year I wasn't sure it would happen since I've been dating Josh but Quil asked me to go to Cabo and I wasn't about to turn him down. We left Washington for a week in the sun to spend some time together doing whatever we wanted. Last time we went we were together and it was a different kind of trip but, despite what everyone expected, we are still super close. We live together and he is my best friend and so much more; I wouldn't have