
Showing posts from May, 2009

He's back, etc.

My life is a soap opera... seriously!  When I lived in Seattle I had this totally great boyfriend named Matt Westlich.  We had been together for a couple of years, he went to college, I turned in to a wolf... you know the rest.  Somewhere in the middle of all the drama, he decided that we needed a break and broke up with me a couple of weeks before I moved to La Push.  The next week, he disappeared into thin air.  I just assumed that vamps had taken him away from me like my other friends.  Turns out that the man is a magician who decided to magically turn up in Portland last week.  Yes, he is a jerk for toying with my brain! Last Thursday, or was it Friday night he called and asked me to come to Seattle to watch his band play.  Matt is the lead guitarist and back up vocalist for The Snag - they seriously tear things up!  Anyway, I decided to stand my ground and NOT go back to Seattle... I just met him half way.  I went, he went, we fought.  Typical for us.  He wants me back in Seattle

Day 4 and a lifetime

So here I am.  Day four of what has been an interesting move so far.  When I arrived in La Push, I really didn't know what to expect other than a lot of trees and a change of pace.  Check - trees and a change of pace (understatement of the century!)  Since subtlety is often a problem for me anyway, I'm just going to spit it out... I am a wolf, a shape-shifter to be exact.  I apparently come from a long line of wolves and I think it totally ROCKS! I am H U G E and strong and waaay faster than I am when I'm just Willow!   No, I am not upset.  No, I am not freaked out.  Yes, I am completely stupid about the entire thing.  When you don't grow up immersed in folk lore and legends, you just don't know what is supposed to happen or how things work.  No one talks about Quileute legends in Seattle.  We talk about the next big band and the Mariners, stuff like that.  La Push is another land; a land I jokingly refer to as LaLa Land right now.  It turns out that all things pret

Introducing Me.

Where does your average 17 year old girl begin?  I use the term average loosely and you'll see why later but to quote Maria Von Trappe, "Lets start at the very begining.  A very good place to start..."   My name is Willow Black.  My friends and family call me Will.  I was born in LaPush, Washington on November 8, 1992 to Sienna Uley Black and Joseph Black.     My mom and dad are both Quileute but honestly, I don’t know much about any of that.    When my parent’s divorced in 1994, my mom packed up my sister and I and moved us to  Seattle  to start a new life.    We came back occasionally for visits, holidays, and some family events but never stayed.    I mostly know my dad through Christmas and Birthday cards, phone calls, and occasional visits.    I love him to death and don’t know why he and my mom ever split up.                  Living in  Seattle  has taught me how to be independent and make the best of every situation. Good thing!    Seattle  is always so full of li