Introducing Me.

Where does your average 17 year old girl begin?  I use the term average loosely and you'll see why later but to quote Maria Von Trappe, "Lets start at the very begining.  A very good place to start..."  

My name is Willow Black.  My friends and family call me Will.  I was born in LaPush, Washington on November 8, 1992 to Sienna Uley Black and Joseph Black.   My mom and dad are both Quileute but honestly, I don’t know much about any of that.  When my parent’s divorced in 1994, my mom packed up my sister and I and moved us to Seattle to start a new life.  We came back occasionally for visits, holidays, and some family events but never stayed.  I mostly know my dad through Christmas and Birthday cards, phone calls, and occasional visits.  I love him to death and don’t know why he and my mom ever split up.

                Living in Seattle has taught me how to be independent and make the best of every situation. Good thing!  Seattle is always so full of life and on the cutting edge that it just forms you in to that kind of person. I guess thats why packing up and moving back to LaPush is just another adventure for me.  

                About 6 months ago there were some strange and scary things going down in my neighborhood.  Animal attacks in the middle of downtown Seattle.  Not a dog bite, but I'm talking panther and lion sized animal attacks.  Thats when the wierdness began.  

                I don't know if it was just stress or my imagination, but I started noticing a lot of crazy things going on with myself.  Okay, I know, I’m 16, I’m supposed to be crazy, but this was not normal teenage girl stuff.   My hair was growing an inch a week, no joke!  I was constantly running a high fever but never felt better in my life.  Last week things got a little too close to home for my liking.  Two of my friends were at a concert and never made it home.  They just disappeared - there hasn't been a trace of them to even begin looking.  When I heard the news, I was in my room (alone, thank Goodness) and that was the first time I it happened.  It was straight out of Teen Wolf.  We're talking long hair, shredded clothes, teeth and claws, the whole bit!  I knew something was up, but holy crap!  I was officially the coolest person I knew and the craziest.  When I finally calmed down enough to return to my “normal” self, I told my mom that I just poofed into a wolf, she called up my dad and shipped me off to LaPush.  Never batted an eye, just called him up with a, "Hey Joe, Willow needs to head back up to LaPush now."  NEWS FLASH MOM... Your daughter just wolfed out! Seriously, no reaction out of the woman or my dad.  I mean, its one thing for me to thing that having the ability to wolf out is bitchin, but its entierly another for my parents to just nod it off.  

                So, here I am.  I am looking at this as a chance to finally know my dad, hang out with my cousins and uncle and make some new friends.  I have been doing a little chatting with Kim and I know that Rachel just got engaged, so I'm ready to get moved in and have some fun.  I'm not sure how long I'm going to be able to keep this wolf business a secret since it seems to happen every time I get worked up lately but if things stay true to form, no one will think anything about it. Maybe all of those stories my dad used to tell me about Quileutes are true LOL!



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