Day 4 and a lifetime

So here I am.  Day four of what has been an interesting move so far.  When I arrived in La Push, I really didn't know what to expect other than a lot of trees and a change of pace.  Check - trees and a change of pace (understatement of the century!)  Since subtlety is often a problem for me anyway, I'm just going to spit it out...

I am a wolf, a shape-shifter to be exact.  I apparently come from a long line of wolves and I think it totally ROCKS! I am H U G E and strong and waaay faster than I am when I'm just Willow!
No, I am not upset.  No, I am not freaked out.  Yes, I am completely stupid about the entire thing.  When you don't grow up immersed in folk lore and legends, you just don't know what is supposed to happen or how things work.  No one talks about Quileute legends in Seattle.  We talk about the next big band and the Mariners, stuff like that.  La Push is another land; a land I jokingly refer to as LaLa Land right now.  It turns out that all things pretend in Seattle are not so pretend here.

The first night I was in La Push, I also met the darling, adorable, charming, and strangely stinky Nessa Cullen. (think old cheese with lots of pepper and hot fudge on top)  She floored me with her smile and her demeanor.  Then, once I thought I had heard everything there was to hear, I found out there is more.  Nessa's family (or half her family I guess) are vampires.  NO JOKE!  Again with the LaLa Land thing.  

Before I go on, please understand that I adore Nessa and I am very much looking forward to meeting her family.  There is no possible way that someone who is that sweet can have a family that is evil.  On the other hand; I don't trust them.   I am starting to understand the reason my mom so easilly sent me out of Seattle.  She knew the whole time what was going on.  When I told her that I wolfed it in my bedroom, she just took it as fact and sent me to where I needed to be.

On a more stressful note, three people I care very much about are GONE.  Just completely gone; no bodies, no notes, nothing.  My mom and my sister are still in Seattle, and  I am terrified that they will disappear next.  I know I could help them but I can't go back and to be honest, I don't want to go back.  I like it here.....  no, I LOVE it here.  This is where I am supposed to be.


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