Its Been Awhile

I seriously haven't written here in THAT long? Damn.... I'm not even going to try to catch you up on everything you missed. Lets just say I'll try to start doing a better job, OK? I'll give you the nutshell version of what's happened since I got my memory back.

I'm very much still with Quil. I finally told him I love him and he loves me.
I moved out of my dad's house when he married his girlfriend and have an apartment in Forks. Leah moved in recently, so I could pay my rent and keep up with my college classes.
Quil and I went to Mexico. It was definitely as great as it sounds. I will never look at a cantina the same way again.

Seriously... there's too much to write, but you can go to Quil's blog to get all the details. I'm in there a little along with Claire and all that.


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