
Showing posts from June, 2014

Forks in the Road

The fact of the matter is that I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time. I'm content and discontent. Happy and Sad. Sure and completely unsure at the same time.  And now, to top it all off, there's another fork in my road. I don't like these forks and I'd rather stab someone with them than decide which way I should go so making a major life decision like taking a big girl job is throwing me for a loop. I have been at The Buzz since the day the doors opened - longer if you count all the time I helped get the shelves stocked and things up and running. I love that job. I love meeting new people and making coffee and seeing my friends when they stop by but its not anything to do with my major. I've invested 3 years of my life in Criminal Psychology now so I should do something with it, shouldn't I? I should use the internship I had at Forks State Prison and try to find something permanent counseling the inmates there but its so dark and depressing and I

The Buffer

I'm one of those people who will do just about anything for my friends and that holds especially true if you're my best friend and I'm excited about being asked.  This is my view from the recliner after spending the evening with Embry, Hayley and Quil the other night... we'll see how different it looks from Quil's blog - which I'm sure will be around too. If you read my previous post then you already know the drama that is taking place between Quil and Embry over Quil's feelings for Embry's girlfriend, Hayley.  If you didn't read it.... go back, read it (and all the other posts) and catch up. There has been so much tension and grouchiness on both of their parts that patrol hasn't been a cake walk lately. They barely speak and the tension is ridiculous.  So... Embry wants Quil to be able to hang out with him and Hayley - which totally makes sense since he is his brother. But, on the other hand, Quil doesn't think he can handle being around

Crushes and Secrets

Did I ever mention that I am an excellent secret keeper? No seriously, I really am. If I wasn't, there is no way on God's green Earth that I could have hidden Quil's crush on his brother's girlfriend like I did and then hide all the other.... that's for another blog. Trust me. What it all comes down to is that awhile back Quil told me that he has these feelings for Hayley. Now normally I would have gotten a little protective of him but I really like Hayley! She is sweet and pretty and fun, and maybe its because I know Embry is Ga Ga over her, but I can see why Quil likes her. What I can't see is how this is all going to work out so that both Quil and Embry are happy. The other night, Quil showed up on my doorstep looking like someone had run over his cat. (Sorry Tabby). He didn't have a lot to say but was carrying his duffel bag and needed a place to crash so naturally I let him in. I think its sweet that he still knocks considering he has the only other