Crushes and Secrets

Did I ever mention that I am an excellent secret keeper? No seriously, I really am. If I wasn't, there is no way on God's green Earth that I could have hidden Quil's crush on his brother's girlfriend like I did and then hide all the other.... that's for another blog. Trust me.

What it all comes down to is that awhile back Quil told me that he has these feelings for Hayley. Now normally I would have gotten a little protective of him but I really like Hayley! She is sweet and pretty and fun, and maybe its because I know Embry is Ga Ga over her, but I can see why Quil likes her. What I can't see is how this is all going to work out so that both Quil and Embry are happy.

The other night, Quil showed up on my doorstep looking like someone had run over his cat. (Sorry Tabby). He didn't have a lot to say but was carrying his duffel bag and needed a place to crash so naturally I let him in. I think its sweet that he still knocks considering he has the only other key I have ever given to anyone other than I was living with Leah. Its not a weird thing for us to stay at each other's houses if its late and we're hanging out so don't get any ideas. :-P  Quil didn't have a lot to say but I heard Embry talking on patrol about Hayley being back and how excited he was and honestly, I was really excited for him. He digs this girl a lot and hasn't been with anyone since she went back to school which feels like ages ago.  Quil thanked me and slept on the couch for a couple of nights. I have go admit, I love him being there. Its nice to have someone else around and there isn't anyone else I would rather have it be than him. That being said, its a lot nicer when he isn't drowning in sorrow.

That was last week. I hate patrolling with these two right now. Its a quiet, angst-filled five hours and as happy as one of them is, the other is just as unhappy. This girl has magic powers, I'm telling you! Hayley Maki, if you are reading this, how you can resist Quil Ateara and make Embry Call gooey deserves a medal. I am baffled on both accounts and more than a little jealous of your ability. {And something else that is also in that other time blog that I said something about earlier.}  You are a lucky girl and I can't wait to be able to spend some time with you and welcome you back to La Push.

As for where I stand in this whole love triangle, I'm on the outside. I can't help but be on Quil's side in most things and I want to see him smiling and happy again soon. I hope I can help him have some fun soon. Surely a crush is one of those things that is fleeting, right?


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