The Buffer

I'm one of those people who will do just about anything for my friends and that holds especially true if you're my best friend and I'm excited about being asked.  This is my view from the recliner after spending the evening with Embry, Hayley and Quil the other night... we'll see how different it looks from Quil's blog - which I'm sure will be around too.

If you read my previous post then you already know the drama that is taking place between Quil and Embry over Quil's feelings for Embry's girlfriend, Hayley.  If you didn't read it.... go back, read it (and all the other posts) and catch up. There has been so much tension and grouchiness on both of their parts that patrol hasn't been a cake walk lately. They barely speak and the tension is ridiculous.  So... Embry wants Quil to be able to hang out with him and Hayley - which totally makes sense since he is his brother. But, on the other hand, Quil doesn't think he can handle being around them together.  I suppose Quil realized that he needed to at least try to make things work so he agreed to hang out and watch a movie with them last Tuesday night. ... Here's the part where I come in.

Quil knows that I would do anything in the world for him so when he asked me to come hang out to be a buffer for him with Embry and Hayley, I didn't think twice. After all, who am I to turn down a chance to hang out with them? I was more than happy to be asked and to be able to go and help out. We were there watching the movie and eating popcorn and trying to be relaxed. Its easy for me to just fall into a comfort zone with Quil. Sometimes its too easy so when he asked me to sit up in the chair with him, it wasn't strange to me at all. We cuddled up and I tried to keep him from being antsy about Hayley and Embry snuggling on the couch next to him.

I could tell he was getting tense and unhappy after Hayley accidentally grabbed Embry's crotch when she was reaching for the popcorn, so I looked up and whispered for him to just stop and relax. He was being so sweet and comfortable so I was happy to see him smile and settle back into the chair. He kissed the top of my head and thanked me for being there. *smiles* We watched the movie... or I watched the movie... for awhile before he started to get worked up again. I took his hand and played with his fingers, reminding him that I was there. It was about this time when he started to rub my back when I looked over to see Hayley watching us and Quil watching them when it all clicked.


So here I am happily relaxing in the chair trying to be a buffer for the tension and he's using me to make her jealous. Its a really weird thing when you're totally content being snuggled in, and feeling stupid for being the tool that you are.  And then again, its Quil so it wasn't like I was going to let him get away with it or leave him there alone either. I told him I knew what he was doing. Yeah, he thought that was funny and told me to maybe grab his crotch to get her attention. And honestly, I was tempted. *blushes*

We stayed in his recliner for awhile longer when Quil asked me to crash there for the night since we both had to "work" in the morning. I told him I'd just take the couch. Normally I would have gone to his room with him and talked until we both fell asleep, but this time I felt weird about it. I don't know if it was because Hayley was watching or because I knew he was asking me to make her jealous but I almost went home for the night even though I really wanted to sleep there next to him.  Long story short, I ended up staying and sleeping in his room like I normally do. It was better once it was just us again and I didn't feel like I had to put on a show.  I don't know about Quil but I slept like a baby and got up and out of the house for patrol on time.

Things are somethings that are too easy and too difficult at the same time. Especially when you're the buffer.


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