
Showing posts from February, 2017


It was supposed to be a pack getaway but sick imprints from all the flu going around, schedules and whatever else kept it to just Jared and Kim, Embry, Hayley, Quil and Me. Sure we missed the others but the six of us get along really well.... kind of. Let's say Hayley and I get along really well. Embry and Hayley get along really well. Quil and I get along really well. Quil and Hayley get along in an really awkward way and Quil and Embry may have an actual dual over Cheetos some day. I'm not kidding. Still, we love each other and were excited to have a weekend in this gorgeous cabin up in the mountains. La Push and Forks don't get much snow and Quil and I had been talking about snowball fights and snow angels for awhile so when Embry said he found a place for the weekend, we all joined in! The cabin wasn't as big as the pictures made it look but we made it work. Jared and Kim had one bedroom, Embry and Hayley the other and Quil and I took the recliner and couch in

We Work Together

It's not a secret that I don't date. I've been set up and encouraged to go out with guys by Kim, Quil, girls at work, my mom, my sister and honestly... I don't want to. I'm not comfortable with it because of who and what I feel. I'm sure people think it's some kind of defect but I promise, it isn't something that feels bad to me. It feels honest and true to myself, but there is this guy I work with...  This is Josh.  I hired Josh several years ago when I first purchased the coffee shop in Forks. He's smart, funny, good looking and a really great friend. Actually, you can read about him in an old blog I wrote. Don't take it the wrong way, that was a TERRIBLE time in my life and what I wrote about hasn't ever happened again or gone further. Josh hasn't ever been anything but great to me. We laugh and the whole time he was with his girlfriend who turned into his fiance, I was his sounding board and he has always been mine when I n


I've been on a travel spree since November and I haven't taken the time to write about anything I've done. I guess I can blame it on being busy with two coffee shops, patrol, and trying to have any sort of life outside of work. The thing is, I like work. It keeps me busy and I'm good at it. Other parts of my life, not so much. I'll start here. The other two trips will be in the next two blogs. For my birthday, I wanted to get out of town. It had been ages since I had left Washington for fun and I needed to get away. Who else would I want to go with me than Quil, of course. I wasn't sure he would be allowed to go since he has a girlfriend and everything but he managed to get away for a few days.  Honestly, if he wasn't able to go, I was ready to go alone but that wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to get away with him and have some fun - just the two of us. This place and this whole trip were magic. Literally. There are vortexes that change your energ