
When I bought The Buzz last winter, I didn't anticipate how much work actually owning a coffee bar/ bar/dessert hangout with a band and liquor might be. Maybe I was shortsighted or a little overzealous? Either way, its been a LOT of work and its kept me busy almost every waking minute since the remodel started. All of that is finally completed and business is booming but its still a lot of work and I'm missing patrol and being at home.

About a month ago I hired a new guy named Paolo. He seemed capable and smart. He had a decent resume and, to be honest, I really needed someone to help me pick up some hours. I know its my place and my responsibility and Josh has been helping me a lot but I was burning the candle at both ends. Josh agreed to oversee Paolo (who he wanted to fire and/or kill) after what was a long ass week of broken glasses and plates, and to help get him either in-line or out the door. I finally had a night to be at home!

The worst part about all of the extra work was really that I hadn't had any time with Quil in what seemed like ages. I missed him a lot - even if we don't have much time to hang out regularly, I was used to at least seeing him on patrol and it had been ages since I had been able to make it to that responsibility. I think I owe Paul, Embry and Jared forever. (I may regret that deal...) Anyway, I had a night with movies and snacks and Quil on our couch. Disney World wouldn't have been better at that point. Quil grabbed some cookies and I went for the box of movies I have stored under the TV. We dug through the box and decided on one of the Hunger Games movies.

While I was looking through, we came across some of those $5 movies that you find in the bins. I remember picking them up and putting them away for later but never actually watching them. Apparently Quil watches more chick flicks than I do because he saw that I had My Best Friend's Wedding in the box and mentioned that he had seen it. I told him we could watch that one next and he started talking about the movie. I could tell he was thinking and it was adorable to see that he actually liked the movie but what happened next floored me.

Quil is... how do I say this nicely.... not mushy. Not mushy at all! I might be here and there, just a little. >.>  He said that it makes sense that you could marry your best friend since you're already best friends and know all about each other. I told him I think it makes complete sense. I have to admit that my mind was racing because its not a secret that he IS my best friend and that maybe I have a little thing for him still? *Holds up a pinch, blushing.* I wouldn't ever admit that to him because I don't want him to get weirded out and pull away from me. We're great how we are, but I think my feelings for him are a lot stronger than any he might have left for me. We WERE... and we ARE but we AREN'T like that, you know? I love him and it is what it is.

What happened next, I'm still not exactly sure happened but I have the cookie in my underwear drawer to prove it so it must have, right? Quil has a pretty up-in-the-air future with Claire. He has always been so confident that she will choose him and they will get married and live happily ever after, so I don't know if he was kidding or trying to kill me by asking this, but... he asked me if Claire only wants to be his friend and I'm not with anyone either if I would marry him one day. *Smiles huge* What?... I mean seriously... WHAT?!?!?!?!? He tried to smirk it off because I was obviously way too happy but in his adorable, non-mushy way, he put the little butter cookie on my finger like a ring.

I wasn't sure what to say because obviously he had been drinking or was having stroke but holy crap, no way was I going to say no just in case he really was serious. I though I was going to burst out laughing, explode, or burst into tears all at the same time and I had to look ridiculous with how big I was smiling! Of course I would! The rest of the movie, we sat cuddled up on the couch like we used to watching the movie until we fell asleep. I must have looked at that cookie on my finger 1000 times.

I know its a long shot and maybe its only a butter cookie that will crumble in a drawer, and it might be as close as I'll ever get. Or maybe it will be different than he has always been sure of. Maybe she will be his little sister or best friend. Maybe she will need him and look at him like an amazing family member who she loves completely but not romantically. I don't think anyone knows. All I know is that I love them both so much and I want them both to be happy. And I have a sort-of-in-the-future-fiance.  <3 nbsp="" p="">


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