I'm Just an Ear

A few weeks ago I was at work, which isn't a big surprise because I'm always at work. It wasn't an exceptionally busy day so I had time to really sit down and talk to my customers. I'm always curious about their favorite desserts and drinks; it helps me keep the menu fresh and exciting. Anyway, I was wiping up the bar after making a new coffee drink when a new face came in and sat down. I came over to get his order and introduce myself as the owner. After I brought him his pie and coffee, I couldn't help notice that he had a sort of sad smile so when he started to talk, my college courses kicked in. If you don't remember, I was a psychology major... criminal psychology but still psychology. I don't think this guy is a criminal. {I hope not anyway.}

The man stayed without ever giving his name for nearly two hours. He told me that he moved to Forks awhile back to start his life again since his wife passed away, leaving him with two kids, about six months ago. He teared up and apologized and asked me about town and how the schools perform. It was a lot of questions, answers, and chit chat and it was nice. He was nice, and I couldn't help feeling sad for him after he left. I told him he is always welcome to come back in to talk and reminded him that bar tenders are notoriously good at listening.

A couple of days went by and he was back again. His smile was a little brighter and he ordered the same thing as the day before; Pie and coffee. I assured him that he really could try other things and give his opinion. He said he was here for the company more than the food, and that I have a nice smile. *Blushes* I'll be the first to admit that for an older guy, he is very handsome. He is! He's nice and incredibly sad and doesn't know anything about my money, so that's all good. He's also a dad with a two teenage kids who is lonely and likes to talk. A lot. And I mean a lot, a lot.

After another visit, I reminded this mysterious guy that he never told me his name. At this point, we had talked about his wife enough I knew she was named Ava and had been sick for awhile and reminded him that I can't always refer to him as "the guy who talks to me" or "the widower" or "Pie Guy". He laughed, extended his hand and reintroduced himself. His name is Adam... which made me kind of chuckle because his wife is Ava and I thought it was Eva for awhile which would have made them Adam and Eva. *dies*

Adam asked for my number and I reluctantly gave it to him. He's been good about not calling or texting me a lot. I guess he can tell that I'm really not much of a dating type, which is good because I seriously suck at dating. (And that is a very long story that I could tell you about if you ask.) He did stop in again and ask me to go to an art fair with him this weekend. He said its laid back and he wanted to thank be for introducing him to the area but I could tell it was more than that. I didn't want to tell him "no", but I didn't want to lead him on either. So, I did the next best thing. I invited Kim!

Te be fair, I wasn't trying to use Kim as a buffer but I really needed a buffer. She has been quiet with all the stress between Her and Jared so I was hoping she could use an evening out too. She and her nephew Spencer came with me to the art fair. We had a really good chance to talk and let her get some things off her chest, and it was a chance to have a really great time with Kim and Spencer and with Adam. 

I know he was a little disappointed, I could see it in his expression but I had to be fair, I wasn't looking for a date, especially with a guy who is that much older than me. I don't mind being his friend and having fun and I like talking to him. We had a really nice time and if he asked me to hang out again, I would likely go. I think having Kim there set the record straight and that from here on out I can relax and not get so nervous when he touches my hand when he talks. He's just a really nice guy and I'm going to be the girl who finds him a really nice wife! 


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