Church, Parents, Poker and Breakfast. Happy Easter.

You may remember, if you've known me for awhile now, that I didn't grow up in La Push. I was born here but my parents divorced when I was barely two years old and my mom took me to live in Seattle with her and my older sister Layla. I came back for holidays and over the summers to stay with my dad, but most of my life was spent in Seattle until I shifted for the first time when I was in high school. My mom knew the legends that were never shared with me since I didn't grow up on the rez and sent me back home to live with my dad. All in all, I had a good childhood but not a "traditional" one for a lot of people. I lived in an apartment in a city with my mom who never remarried, or even dated much. I had friends at school and one of those friends took me to church with her a couple of times when I would spend the night on a Saturday night. I didn't grow up knowing much about anything religious or tribal. Don't feel bad, I don't feel like a lost soul but it is all a bit foreign to me.

On Friday I was at work like always. I happened to be at the Port Angeles shop for the day since it is a busier location and a holiday. I always forget that the Friday before Easter is an actual holiday but Josh reminded me when he asked me to go to Good Friday church with his Family. I didn't know what to say and it threw me for a loop for several reasons. One, its church and I just told you I don't know much of anything about all of that. For all I knew I was about to be struck by lightning for being a supernatural being and not having any idea what was going on. I mean, what if they chanted or something! Secondly, and more terrifying than lightning, his family was going to be there. This is a big deal holiday with the parents and his brother and sister and I was not ready to go there. I mean, come on, we don't have that kind of relationship at all! 

I reluctantly agreed to go with him after I asked him to promise we could church, eat and run. I know that sounds rude and I didn't mean to be but I was incredibly nervous and didn't want to take that "hugging his mom" step. He was sweet about it, as he always is, and said we could do that. I went home, got into the churchiest outfit I could find, a black pantsuit, and was ready when he came to get him about an hour later. 

I survived church without electrocution and didn't have to chant much. I'm really glad his mom wasn't watching me because most of the time I just stood quietly and tried to follow along. I had no idea what all of this was about but they showed some video clips and told the Good Friday story and, holy crap, that stuff was brutal. I actually cried a little at how awful it was and it really did change my view of Easter so I guess you could say it was a good thing I went. No one pressured me into anything and I was a lot more relaxed by the time we left. Step one, mission - church was a success.

Next up was dinner. Dinner is ALWAYS a challenge when you're a wolf amongst the humans. I was starving because I forgot to each lunch while I was getting ready and I knew I couldn't make a pig out of myself. Josh knows I eat more than the average girl but he thinks it's because I have a super high metabolism or some kind of parasite I think ;) His mom had out some cold meat to make sandwiches, and some salad and chips. I made a plate, ate like it was my last meal and could have easily eaten three more sandwiches but I stopped. I distracted myself by hanging out with Josh's sister, Jessa who was home from college for the holiday weekend. 

I loved Jessa right away! She is funny and snarky and so easy to joke around with. We started talking about school and I mentioned that I'm a pretty good poker player because my dad taught me when I used to come stay with him. The next thing I knew it was after midnight and I was out forty dollars and exhausted. Josh and I were partners and apparently, we suck. 

We left his parents house at about 1:00. He asked me to come stay at his place but I was exhausted, starving and ready to be out of my clothes, and just wanted to be at home in my own bed. It is always a little sticky trying to dodge Josh on staying over. When I do or when he does, one of us crashes on the couch. That probably doesn't make a lot of sense to some people but, like I said, we aren't like that and it's not because he doesn't want to be but because I don't want to be. I'm not ready for anything more than just being easy and sex complicates things. Plus, I have weirdness about sex since it's been a couple of years and *mumbles*....... anyway, I'm not sexy like that.  That's another long story but Josh dropped me off at home an hour later and I barely made it into Quil's t-shirt before I fell asleep on top of my bed. 

I woke up the next morning dreaming that a spider was crawling on my face, which is never a good way to wake up but then it hit me. Bacon, french toast, and Quil making coffee in the kitchen and that was all it took to get me up and out of bed in a flash. These mornings are my favorites. They make my whole day start like sunshine and butterflies (in my stomach, in the best way). 

The rest of the weekend was the egg hunt on the rez, relaxing at the beach and quiet. I made my own Easter dinner which was really just nachos but they were the best nachos ever and it was perfect. All in all, it was a fun and I'm glad I went. I made a new friend, survived church, learned something, had fun with Josh, and celebrated with my family on the rez. If your's was half as great, you're lucky. 


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