I have $4 million. Whoa.

When I last wrote here, I told you about my misadventure ... or should I say total lack of thought and restraint with my boss, Nate. I was "that" girl.  You know; the one who drinks too much, lets her total 13 month sexual drought get the best of her then bangs her boss complete with the pictures to prove it. *dies* As if I didn't feel terrible enough, he had more going on inside his head than just sex and some pictures - end of story. No, no, no. Nate decided to share the love with the tech department and have some of the high lights added to the bad cop character I had worked on several months ago. I swear, I had NO idea and believed him when he told me he deleted the pictures: I should have known better.

Anyway... the game was released to the creators about 3 weeks ago which means I got a pre-sale copy. I took it home and was really excited to see how the character I created came together in the game. I worked hard on her and wanted to show Quil and Embry first. I gave them the game and let them play while I went to the kitchen to make some snacks for the night. The looks on their faces - especially Quil's face, when I came back into he room was beyond words. He was smirking like a kid in a candy store and Embry was blushy and giggling. When I checked the screen to see what the big deal was, I swear I almost dropped dead. Hello.... that was me!!! And not JUST me - it was ME FROM THE NIGHT I WAS WITH MY BOSS!! I guess the reason I was so hushed when I talked to Quil about that weekend was out of the bag, but that's okay because I was going to need that bag to bury my asshole, now-former boss, Nate.

My first reaction was to call him and tell him that I was going to sue him after I stabbed him repeatedly. Quil calmed me down (between smirks and laughs -_-) and told me that killing him would probably make things worse. Since when is he the sensible one? Anyway, I was plotting my revenge one night when I ran into that one guy who was wandering Forks and La Push stealing things. What's his name? Oh! Stan!  Lets not forge that he stole the one remaining piece I had from my relationship with Quil when we were together and I wanted to kill him too. Apparently I have some built up aggression issues lol. I talked with Stan and he told me that he was sorry and I decided since he didn't have my necklace anymore I was going to need him to help me in another messed up area. I had read in the paper that he was a con artist and I was in need of a cheap attorney.

I hired Stan to go to Chicago with me and fake out Nate before the release of the video game. No way was I going to let that thing go out to millions of Americans with my naked self on it!! I have to hand it to Stan, the man is good. He talked the talk and actually sounded legit. Apparently Nate believed it too because I left Chicago with $4 million dollars in my account and 5500 copies of a video game that isn't ever going to hit the shelves... at least no until the graphics are reworked. Now that I have all this cash, if he really does release it, I'll spring for a legitimate lawyer if I have to. The rest of the money, which I don't even really care about, is going to a scholarship for Claire and then into a fund for other kids on the Rez who want to go to college too. I'll put some away for later as well, after all, I plan on living for a very very long time.


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