
I keep singing that version of Happy Birthday that Marilyn Monroe does thats all breathy and hot while I type this up. Why, you ask? Because my BFF/ex/current roomy had a birthday yesterday! With all this cash I have sitting around, we just HAD to go out and celebrate. We hired a cap to drive us around, started in on the Jack and Coke and let it ride. We went to this club where I like to go because the music is loud, the lights are low and there are great drinks. We were both buzzing pretty good before we even got there but with a whole night ahead of us, neither of us was slowing down. I talked with some people I knew and Quil danced with some other girls. I danced with some other guys and eventually got to dance with each other.  It wasn't like one of those stupid high school slow dances or anything lovey at all. Let me try to set the scene a little better.

The lights are low except the glare from the neon that flashes through the dark to the beat of the music. Its hot, and there is sweat and steam from the fog machine in the air. Bodies are moving and bumping against each other and no one bothers seeing how is dancing next to them. Its all chilled out and intense at the same time. Quil and I weren't there to find people to hook up with or to get crazy; we both just needed a night out to celebrate and be ourselves. We always have fun and are comfortable with each other so when I got closer and backed up on him, I grinned and wasn't surprised at all when he danced with me. I leaned against him and looked over my shoulder up at him and smirked through the Jack Daniels goggles I had on and kissed his chin. This was way too much fun but we were definitely pushing it with the drinks and the time so we worked our way through the crowd to the door and the cab.

Somewhere in the middle of the dancing and the drinks and how familiar Quil felt and smelled, I might have gotten a little touchy. *Grins* I didn't expect anything to really happen but I couldn't keep my hands off his chest and couldn't look away. I grabbed his shirt, grinned up at him and pulled him against me with my back against the cab. I don't know what I would have done if he had pushed me away but hey... it was his birthday and birthday sex is actually an awesome present. >_> He started to stop and looked horrified and the next thing I knew he was kissing me and it wasn't just a little kiss. I pulled him into the cab with me and managed to get my mouth free enough to tell him to take us home.

You could say that the cab ride home was pretty interesting and I think the driver would agree. *blushes* I don't know how we made it inside or ended up in bed but it was a great night with no holding back and no regrets.. at least not for me. I slept like a baby next to him last night and woke up feeling amazing. *smiles and bites her lip, trying not to squeak* I suppose this is going to complicate the whole BFF/Ex/Roomie thing but I can't be sorry when I wanted it so bad and for so long. I loved being with him like that again and he said he wasn't sorry either. Maybe it was just sex but with him it was easy and it felt okay and there weren't any regrets. It was comfortable and he's a wolf and I'm a wolf so there was that whole level to fit in too. We're going to have to talk about this sometime and I'm more than a little afraid he might realize that he regrets it. I hope not. And no matter what, I won't lose what we have right now. We're so close and so comfortable and I can't imagine him not being my best friend. After all, one time won't mess that up. 

Happy Birthday, Baby. I think we partied right. :-*


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