Missing Pieces

I am writing this blog with literally no idea where to start. I've been in this hospital room for 2 days now and it feels like a lifetime. I'm going to tell you what I know which, to be honest, isn't much. I know my name is Willow Black. I know that I suffered a broken neck and a pretty bad concussion and now I'm in the hospital. Now for the things I don't know. I don't know how I was hurt. I don't know the people who come to visit me claiming to be my family and friends. I don't know where I live, or what I like, or what I was like as a child.

I can't tell you how strange and scary it is to wake up with your head exploding and to look around and not recognize anyone around you. People hug me and talk to me and I can tell that I should know them by the looks on their faces but there is nothing. Not even a fuzzy blur of a memory there to clue me in to if they are who they say they are. How do I know who I should trust, or if anyone is who they say they are? I think it is safe to believe the doctors. Dr. Cullen and Dr. Walker have been so good to me since I have been here. They are treating me like a special guest. I haven't seen anyone but them - not even a nurse. Dr. Cullen told me my neck break was clean and that it has already healed. I can only assume that means that it is healing nicely since it has only been a couple of days since the accident.

I have had lots of visitors who have come to talk with me. My dad has been here most of the time to help me know if I should allow people and allow them in. I'm going to make a list of who has come to visit so I don't forget. If I get this wrong, let me know.

When I first woke up that night two guys were in my room. They seemed to know me well. One came back yesterday to visit - his name is Quil. He seems really sweet and knew all about me. I asked him was my boyfriend since he was there when I got hurt, when I woke up and again last night. He says he is my best friend and that he used to be my boyfriend. He mentioned the other guys name that was there when I woke up but I can't remember who he said now. I should ask if he comes by again.

Lets see, Rebecca Black also stopped by. She brought me a plate of cookies and told me that she is my cousin and that our dads are brothers. Apparently I work at her bakery and made the cookies that she brought. I wish I could remember making them or what we used to do together.

Last night right before I went to bed Emily came by . She works at the bakery too. She brought me daisies. *smiles* They help brighten up this hospital room. She also brought me a cheeseburger. God Bless her! I don't know what my deal is but I have been starving ever since yesterday morning when I started being able to think past the pain. Maybe its this fever I seem to be running. Anyway, the cheeseburger hit the spot. She left when I couldn't keep my eyes open any more. I hope she comes back so I can talk more with her.

My mom and sister are here now. They want me to get some more sleep so I should stop writing but before I go...

Apparently I am healing very quickly and fine. I don't know how long I'll be in here or when my memory will return. Right now I just hope it does. I'm scared and confused and I feel terrible every time I have to tell someone I don't know them. I hope this road to recovery is a short one.


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