Vampires and Valentines

Last night was the Valentine's Day party at Ari, Jake and Brennan's house. It seems like lately we have all had a little more time to spend together and it has been great to be able to see Ari, Jake and Brennan again and to be able to get to know Kantra, Jake's girlfriend a little better. Sam and Emily - who looks gorgeous and glowing by the way, were there and since I hadn't seen Sam around in awhile, Quil and I asked him to come outside for few minutes to talk with us. We have been smelling a strange vamp around during our patrol shift. The scent is there and then it isn't. Its north and then its south. There is no rhyme or reason to it and I think that is the part that makes me the most nervous. I keep expecting it to just drop out of the sky on me while I'm on patrol. So far no one has seen it but I know its there. Anyway, Sam knows now and as alpha, he can handle it however he thinks it should be handled. I just needed to make sure he knew - enough business for the night. From here on, it was time for some fun!

Sam, Quil and I came back inside where there was food and good conversation and Beetles Rock Band! Brennan, Jake and Ari started off with a song and then it was my turn. I've never been shy about singing but that is mostly because I just sing to myself and I don't pay attention to who else is actually paying attention to me. Last night was a little different. Not only did I have to follow up Brennan - who we all know kicks butt, but it was just me actually having to sing while people were paying attention. *Gulp!* Sam, Quil and I decided to do the song Revolution and once things got going and my nerves settled, I started feeling like my old self. I was dancing and having fun. Jake was mortified and wondered how we could even be related *Laughs*. Next song was Jakes. He sang Hey Jude and I can honestly say he sounded GREAT! We all did a few more songs and headed into the kitchen for more wings, potato skins and cupcakes!

I don't know if it was the cupcakes or the fun but I was all of a sudden exhausted and knew I had to patrol in just 3 hours. :P Quil was ready to leave to so we said our goodbyes, thanked everyone and left to sleep. I told him I would see him later and got in my car to go home. I pulled out of the drive and started thinking that I wasn't ready to tell him good night yet so I went to Quil's house. Don't get the wrong idea here. I sleep so well when I am next to him. I think it must just be knowing that he is there or just falling asleep happy that makes it different. He says I smile in my sleep - I'm not surprised. * blushes* I asked him if I could stay and he said yes so I borrowed one of his t-shirt and crawled into bed and slept like a baby until it was time for us to patrol. It was a great night.


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