Camping Virgin

Last week I was fishing with my dad when he and I started talking about camping. He thought it was so funny that I had never been camping in my life. My response, whose fault is that? Was my mom going to pack up Layla and I and drive us out of Seattle to sleep in a tent? Not likely, her belief and mine had always been that that is the reason that God created hotels.

Later that week, Claire and Quil were spending some time together and decided to go camping as well. Claire asked Quil if he and I were friends and if I could go with them. He told her it wasn't really my thing but that he would ask. When he asked I told him I would go and he seemed surprised. Am I really that much out of it that he thinks I wouldn't even try to camp. I'll do anything once, so of course I was in.

That decision led me to the startling conclusion that not only did I know nothing about camping but, that I had nothing to camp with. Mike Newton stopped in to the diner one morning and who better to ask than Mike. I ended up stopping by Newton's to pick up a few supplies for my first camping trip. Its a good thing Mike knows his stuff because I was at his mercy. He helped me pick out a sleeping bag, tent, hot dog sticks, a lantern, and other necessities that I never would have thought of. Who knew you had to have so much stuff to sleep in the woods! I bought it all and shoved it in the trunk of my car.

Saturday was the day. Quil went to pick up Claire while I put he rest of my things in a bag and got ready to leave. Quil came to the door to get me and laughed at my gigantic pile of supplies. We carried it all out to his car and that's when I saw Claire's excited face through the window. She is so adorable. I waved and got it to leave.

I have to admit that I was nervous. Not because I was afraid to sleep in the woods, but because I would be spending the weekend with the most important person in the world to Quil, and I didn't want her to see any differences in he way that He and I are around each other. I haven't really spent any time with Claire and Quil together since Quil and I changed our relationship status to whatever that is. She is one very smart and perceptive little girl and I love being around her so I was excited to see how the weekend would go and nervous that I was going to mess it up!

We drove to the clearing and Quil set up the tents. He tried to show me and it didn't really look too complicated. I should probably try that on my own sometime. After things were set up, Claire decided that we would have a boy's tent for Quil and a girl's tent for She and I. We got our sleeping bags rolled out and went out to sit by the fire to eat s'mores and talk. You should have seen Quil's face when Claire started talking about a little boy at school that wanted to play Sleeping Beauty. Apparently he gave her a kiss and Quil looked like he was going to puke. I had to cover my face not to laugh and the poor guy just got one ear full after another. She told him how the boy wanted to play Mommy and Daddy but she just wanted to play some other game. He was starting to get pretty worked up so I reminded him that it was just a game and that she was just playing. Much better, but he still didn't look so good.

This whole conversation about kindergarten kisses led Claire to ask Quil and I about who our first kisses were. He told her that he was about her age but that she should be older. I told her mine was Jeff in 3rd grade. Thats when she asked me if I had a boyfriend. She said that I was happy and her mommy told her that someone else looked happy because they had a boyfriend. WHOA!! My turn to feel sick! There was no way I was going to lie to her but I was also going to dodge the answer to that question as much as I could. I told her that I kind of had a boyfriend and distracted her with peanut butter sandwiches and root beer. Question dodged! Thank goodness!!

After that, Claire got sleepy and Quil put her to bed so he and I had some time to sit by the fire. I told him that I was having a great time and that I might actually like to camp again. I laid my head on his shoulder and started to fall asleep when he said, "So you kinda have a boyfriend?" I could barely keep my eyes open but couldn't help but smile and told him maybe. He made a very "Quil" comment and put his arm around me and I fell asleep by the fire.


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