I should have known.

Things had been good. No, things had been GREAT! Pretty much everyone knew about Quil and I and our relationship after the party last week. We were happy and having fun and pretending like everything was right I guess. Maybe that should have been my first clue.

Quil was going to meet Claire last night for some fun but before he left to see her we decided that we could spend some time together at our spot on Second Beach. I was there waiting for him and we had time to just hang out and talk. I asked when he was supposed to be at Claire's house and he realized that he was running late. Thats about the time that his phone rang. Claire's mom was frantic trying to find her. Naturally, Quil took off scared that something awful had happened. He phased and went to look for her and I ran in to the woods calling for her. I decided that searching as a wolf was easier and phased too. She hadn't gone far and we picked up her scent before much time had gone by. Thank Goodness she was safe and sound and had just followed a squirrel into the woods. Quil was so relieved and Claire was surprised that he was in the woods waiting for her. As soon as I knew Claire was safe, I left the woods to do some serious thinking.

I ran back toward my clothes and realized that if Quil hadn't been with me at the beach, Claire would never have gotten lost. I was a distraction and things could have ended a lot differently. He should have been with her - thats the way it is supposed to be, right. I mean I have known from the very beginning that things were going to end up this way at some point, I just figured that Claire is only 5 and we would have more time to be together. Even if it we broke up for a different reason I didn't think it would be because of his imprinting on Claire. I knew what had to happen and every part of me wanted a different answer. I wandered my way to Quil's front steps and sat down to wait for him. I knew he had to patrol but I didn't care if I had to wait all night. This needed to be said before I could change my mind.

Quil came home before heading to the woods and sat down next to me on the steps. I will never forget how badly I wanted to crawl in his lap and just be there with him but I couldn't. I apologized for everything that happened and told him that I can't be with him anymore - that I was fighting fate and that is a battle that I know I can't win. How was I going to do this? I didn't want to cry in front of him so I knew I had to leave - fast! I turned to go and that when he stopped me. It was too late. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and turned around to say goodbye.

Don't for one minute think that this is what I want. I don't. But, it is what needs to happen and what I have to do. We promised before any of this started that we would be friends no matter what happened between us. Its time to make sure we get back to where we were.


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