Decisions, decisions

So much has happened since the last time I wrote anything. Its not that nothing has happened, its that so much has happened I guess. Life is pretty much back to normal for me except those reminders that never quite seem to go away - a song, a place, people. Matt never fully disappears and to be honest, its nice. Just last night I had dinner with some of the guys from his band in Seattle. I was at the airport arriving from Wisconsin (well, Chicago actually) when I ran into Ryan and his girlfriend Krista. It was nice to catch up with them and see how everyone was doing. I'm jumping ahead of myself... lets go back further.

For the past few weeks I have been getting on with life as usual for me. I have been spending lots of time with my friends and just having fun. I can't possibly go back and give you all the details (lucky for me Quil is really good about updating his blog!) but Embry, Leah, Quil, Sam, Kim, Emily, and I went to get tattoos, and see Harry Potter, Becca came home again (THANK GOODNESS!!) and I went on a date with DJ from he diner.

I spent all of last week on a college visitation to the University of Wisconsin in Madison. I know I'm pushing my decision down to the wire but I had to rule out all of my options before choosing a school. I looked at U of Wisc. because they have a great Criminal Psychology program. I heard from Becca while I was there. She texted me about maybe starting a bakery in Forks. I think its a great idea, and absolutely want to help her out! She would be fabulous and would run anyone else out of business in a 100 mile radius of Forks. Quil volunteered to be her guinea pig for sampling, but I told him he will have to fight for that spot. She is such an amazing cook. She needs to get Emily on board and just take over the state of Washington! Those two would do amazing things together in the kitchen!!!

I also talked to Quil while I was in Wisconsin. For whatever reason, I missed him more than I thought I would. One night while we were talking on the phone, annoying Shawn from down the hall came in to try to convince me to go out for the night. I was all set to talk to Quil until I fell asleep and had no intentions of leaving my dorm room but Shawn just didn't seem to get it. I ended up having to talk to him more than Quil and kicking him out of his room after he decided he needed to take his shirt off. I guess it made Quil a little upset that I kept having to interrupt our conversation and he hung up pretty quickly.

This was enough for me and I decided to leave Wisconsin a day early and head south to Chicago. MUCH better! I loved Chicago. There was so much to do. The lake, the museums, the food, the sports.... I will definitely be back here someday for a visit and to take in a game. I had time to do a little shopping to pick up some gifts and sight see for the afternoon but a few hours is just not enough in that city!

OK... so long story shortened a little, the distance from home is just not something I care to deal with. I love my family and friends and can't imagine being that far away from them. I need to have them close and to be close to them as well. La Push is my home and I don't want to leave so I have decided to take my classes through Washington State's online program next year. I can get most of my core classes that way and it allows me to be where I want and need to be. I can still work and also take classes, patrol etc. I just need to work on that time to sleep thing.


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