My head is spinning. I’m back to the Uley vs. Black drama that has been a part of my life since the day my mom moved us to Seattle. Team Uley (which is of course my mom) has a wonderful love/hate relationship with Team Black (my dad). There has always been an equal amount of respect, love and loathing in their relationship and it has come back to haunt me again.

Sam and Emily are back and I am so happy to have the other half of my family around. I have missed them and can’t wait to have some time to catch up with them both. It seemed so complete last night to finally have them there for the pack dinner at Clearwater’s house. I know there are a lot of decisions to be made by everyone but this decision for me is forcing me to choose between my family. Do I choose Sam or do I choose Jake and how do I know which one I should choose? To me, they are both great leaders who have the best for the pack and me in mind. This decisions is eating me up inside.

So, Jake and Sam are problem #1. Now, problem #2. The guys in the pack aren’t really big Matt fans. It all started with Matt loosing his temper with Paul over something stupid or maybe it was Paul and Matt at the baseball game – I don’t remember. Anyway, tempers flared and Matt got mad. His temper fires up so easily but it also disappears just as fast and then he’s done – no grudge, no hard feelings. Anyway, Paul and Embry decided to take some of their anger in what I think was a pretty harmless way. The put hot pink hair dye in Matt’s shampoo and eye drops in his water bottle. The hair was really funny… the sick part – not so much! He was furious and quickly figured out that I let them know where he was staying. I was able to keep my mouth shut but he pushed me just a little too far and I got angry. I made it outside and to the edge of the wood before I phased but it took everything I had. Seeing Emily this morning reminded me just how quickly things can get out of control. I can not hurt him – I will not hurt him and I don’t want anyone else to either but Matt needs to learn to keep his temper in check and I can’t back him up all the time when he runs his mouth either. Things are going to get interesting I’m afraid!

03:26:48 am on June 6, 2009 | 0 | # |
Tags: Claire, fight, Forks, Imprinting, Jacob, La Push, Matt, Nessa, Paul, Quil
If you haven’t read Quil’s blog, you need to. ( ) It can give you a little insight as to how our whole conversation started. Long story short, we took a nice walk yesterday afternoon and had a chance just to talk.

When I last posted I mentioned that Matt is back in my life. He and I have a long history together and even though he pulled the disappearing act, he has more than made up for it. He is working hard at school, with his band, and at being with me which is no easy feat while he is living in Seattle and I am in La Push. He has been around more often than not and I have loved having him back in my life. He is good to me and good for me at the same time. So all this time that he has been spending in the La Push/Forks area led him to an idea. Apparently he read some study about declining animal populations in the area and decided to do a study on it for some class he is taking. This area is PERFECT for an Greenie like Matt – he got approval and is moving here for the summer next week! I am happy dancing all over the place… not everyone else is.

As Quil mentioned, there seems to be a little tension between Paul and Matt. My guess is that it is because they both have firey tempers. For whatever reason, they got in to it on the beach the other night. It all started with some great cliff diving and then Matt decided to jump (hello… the waters cold!) blah, blah, blah. Paul says something, Matt gets mad and the next thing I know, they are in each other’s faces. I’m not sure who to blame or if I even blame either one of them but I’m glad it didn’t get ugly. Matt doesn’t know anything about the pack or that I am a wolf. Jake says its on a need to know basis and as far as I’m concerned… Matt doesn’t need to know yet. How can I explain something to him that I am just starting to understand myself?

This leads me to the La Push resident sweetheart Mr. Quil Ateara. Poor Quil got stuck answering some questions that I’m sure weren’t easy for him to answer. We were talking about little Miss Claire and I mentioned that she was a very lucky little girl to have Quil taking care of her. This led to an interesting conversation on imprinting and what it is and how it work. Honestly… I am sooooo glad that this hasn’t happened to me! I look at Jake and Quil and I am glad that they both have great girls in their lives but it makes me sad to see them tied to someone who keeps them alone. I invited them to come to Matt’s next show with the hope that they can both have some fun and maybe meet someone special to spend some time with until they are able to be with Claire and Nessa. Someday I am sure that both Claire and Nessa will be perfect for Quil and Jake but what about now? Does imprinting mean that they just have to wait it out?

Anyway… Matt’s waiting for me to finish this. He has a surprise planned for me Thanks Quil for the Imprinting 101 lesson and I promise to be careful. xo

09:58:14 pm on May 28, 2009 | 0 | # |
Tags: band, Matt, Seattle, wolf
I’ve been around for about a month now and if you have ready my other blog you know that I am happily settled back in La Push with my dad. I’ve been spending my time just hanging out with the rest of the pack and getting comfortable with being in a new place with an entirely new life. I am soooo happy to have my boyfriend from Seattle back in my life. I thought that he had been killed by the vamps that have been hanging out in Seattle, turns out the guy just decided to run off to Portland for a break in reality… nice, I know. Sometimes he really just doesn’t think!

Anyway, Matt is back. (If you haven’t met him, he is @music_matt) He is still in Seattle playing in his band, working, etc. I am still in La Push working at the diner and hanging out at the beach. Matt has come up a couple of times already in the last week. Once just to hash out an argument we had, and another time because his band had a gig in Port Angeles. I don’t know how long we think we can pull off this long distance thing, but it is working for now so we are going to just ride the wave.


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